open rate

5 quick tips to improve your email marketing

5 quick tips to improve your email marketing

I’ve chosen 5 tips you can apply to your email marketing to improve its performance. I have done a LOT of investigation into what makes an awesome marketing email and I subscribe to many, many marketing lists. I see what the masters are doing and I’m sharing some of those techniques with you here. These tips are ones you can apply fairly easily to your next marketing email and I encourage you to do so.

10 email subject line styles and tactics to increase your open rate

10 email subject line styles and tactics to increase your open rate

It’s fair to say that when sending marketing emails, the subject line is a crucial element - arguably THE most crucial element. If you can’t catch the recipient’s attention in a crowded inbox, the email won’t be opened. I’ve compiled these 10 ways to make your email subject lines stand out and create interest.