Cheer Up Marketing — Digital Marketing Insights


5 ways to get better returns on your email marketing

5 ways to get better returns on your email marketing

I’ve been talking a lot about how great email marketing is lately and I thought it was time I backed up my enthusiasm with some stats. I went looking around the Internet in search of the ROI figures for email marketing in 2020 and to find what the email pros are doing to get the best results. Here are my findings.

How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part Two] - My Social Media Promotion Of This New Subscription Business Model

How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part Two] - My Social Media Promotion Of This New Subscription Business Model

Alongside email marketing, I used Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to promote and make sales of my new marketing subscription service, The Spark. In this blog I share the strategy I used across those channels and the results I got in terms of engagement and sales.


How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part One] - My Email Marketing Launch For This New Subscription Business Model

How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part One] - My Email Marketing Launch For This New Subscription Business Model

In July 2023, I launched a new marketing subscription service called The Spark. This was a brand new business model for me as I had never offered an online subscription before. In this blog, I share the basics of how I launched this new subscription service to my email list.


3 Ways To Get Your Business Back On Track For Financial Growth And Time Freedom

3 Ways To Get Your Business Back On Track For Financial Growth And Time Freedom

Despite Easter holidays and school closures, I doubled down this April and had a great month in terms of sales. I launched and sold a new 30 day group programme and I sold tickets to my first ever in-person event. I also kept up with client commitments and thanks to the kids club at my gym, made it to my four gym sessions every week. Here’s 3 tips you can apply right now to help you keep your business on track and make sales when you have limited time available to work.

9 ways to increase your LinkedIn post engagement

9 ways to increase your LinkedIn post engagement

The thing about LinkedIn is it’s a social media channel just like Facebook and Instagram and that means you are a slave to the algorithm just as you are on those other channels. Taking into account what LinkedIn has said about its algorithm, in this blog I describe 9 ways to increase your LinkedIn post engagement organically for free.

How to find out where your email subscribers live

How to find out where your email subscribers live

When building an email list using organic methods like website traffic, social media etc - you’ll get subscribers from all over the world joining your list.

If your business offers in-person services and events, you’ll need to know where your subscribers live to be able to send them relevant emails about local events. Read the blog to find out two ways to do this.