Struggling with your email newsletter schedule? Discover the perfect sending times for service-based businesses. I share what times I send my email newsletter and why. I also cover what to do with your schedule when you are in sales mode.
How to get 100+ email subscribers in less than a week from LinkedIn in 2025
My 18 best email subject lines for November
5 ways to get better returns on your email marketing
I’ve been talking a lot about how great email marketing is lately and I thought it was time I backed up my enthusiasm with some stats. I went looking around the Internet in search of the ROI figures for email marketing in 2020 and to find what the email pros are doing to get the best results. Here are my findings.
How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part One] - My Email Marketing Launch For This New Subscription Business Model
Is Instagram the best for marketing?
The Biggest Marketing Mistake Online Business Owners Make
How to find out where your email subscribers live
When building an email list using organic methods like website traffic, social media etc - you’ll get subscribers from all over the world joining your list.
If your business offers in-person services and events, you’ll need to know where your subscribers live to be able to send them relevant emails about local events. Read the blog to find out two ways to do this.
The worst email I’ve ever received
How I used a masterclass and email marketing in my last launch
What NOT to do when you forget to email your list
Email marketing list management - 4 housekeeping tasks for 2021
Why Email Marketing is the best marketing channel
This blog could also be called ‘Email Marketing vs Social Media’ as it does quite often come down to that comparison!
Email often gets overshadowed by social media. We are all addicted to social and checking our emails perhaps doesn’t deliver that same dopamine hit but despite not being quite so compulsive, email DOES still work in 2020 and it’s not going anywhere.
Here are 8 reasons why email marketing is the best marketing channel.
Email List Building: Using a Facebook group to grow your email list
A Facebook group is the perfect way to grow your email list because you can create a community that attracts your ideal clients and convert them to subscribers from there. When starting a Facebook group, you need to be really clear on who the group is for and what problem the group will solve for them. You also need to maximise the opportunities that you give to subscribe to your email list. Read on for my advice.
Email List Building: Opt-in Freebie Ideas
When you’re trying to grow your email list, something you can do to speed up the process AND attract the right subscribers, is to offer something of value for FREE in exchange for an email address.
It can be something really simple and before you overthink it, you probably don’t have to do much work to create it. It may be something you already have that can be packaged up into a PDF or a template of some kind, ready to send out on email.
Here are some opt-in freebie ideas for you to use.
How long should your marketing emails be?
I get asked this question a lot and I’m not going to be one of those annoying people who simply says: It can be as long as it needs to be.
I know you want straight answers so I’m going to give you something solid to aim for AND I’m going to base it off my own experience.
When writing marketing emails to build a connection with your subscribers, you don’t focus on selling immediately. You’ll need to use the art of storytelling to help your readers to know, like and trust you. This will build up over time, so you need to be consistent in sending out your emails to keep the momentum going.
5 quick tips to improve your email marketing
I’ve chosen 5 tips you can apply to your email marketing to improve its performance. I have done a LOT of investigation into what makes an awesome marketing email and I subscribe to many, many marketing lists. I see what the masters are doing and I’m sharing some of those techniques with you here. These tips are ones you can apply fairly easily to your next marketing email and I encourage you to do so.
How to A/B test your marketing email subject lines
10 email subject line styles and tactics to increase your open rate
It’s fair to say that when sending marketing emails, the subject line is a crucial element - arguably THE most crucial element. If you can’t catch the recipient’s attention in a crowded inbox, the email won’t be opened. I’ve compiled these 10 ways to make your email subject lines stand out and create interest.