Social media

How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part Two] - My Social Media Promotion Of This New Subscription Business Model

How I Started Selling Subscriptions Online [Part Two] - My Social Media Promotion Of This New Subscription Business Model

Alongside email marketing, I used Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to promote and make sales of my new marketing subscription service, The Spark. In this blog I share the strategy I used across those channels and the results I got in terms of engagement and sales.

9 ways to increase your LinkedIn post engagement

9 ways to increase your LinkedIn post engagement

The thing about LinkedIn is it’s a social media channel just like Facebook and Instagram and that means you are a slave to the algorithm just as you are on those other channels. Taking into account what LinkedIn has said about its algorithm, in this blog I describe 9 ways to increase your LinkedIn post engagement organically for free.

Is going live on Facebook worth it?

Is going live on Facebook worth it?

Six weeks ago, I’d never live streamed on social media. I’ve had Facebook for over a decade and Instagram for about six years and I’d never felt compelled to press the Live Video button and talk in real time to my followers.

Fast forward to today and for the past five weeks I’ve done a live video on Facebook every single working day. That’s 18 live streams!

So what changed? Why am I going live all of a sudden and what have I learned from going live every day?

15 tips for marketing to Gen Z

15 tips for marketing to Gen Z

Just when you think you’ve got to grips with marketing to Millennials, along comes a new cohort which requires a re-think of your marketing tactics! Hello, Gen Z! Who are they and what marketing tactics should you use to engage with them? This blog explains all and provides some practical tips.